
Coming Events

Good morning photographers.

Here is a short list of coming events in Milwaukee this summer that are worth checking out:

June 17th, Pecha Kucha : 8:00 p.m. at the Hi Hat ( http://www.pecha-kucha.org/cities/milwaukee/1 )

June 27th, I have a show opening at Spackle Gallery. The reception will be in the evening. I'll let everyone know the time of the opening when it happens.

July 24th, at Marquette's Haggerty Museum : "Opening - Biographical Landscape: The Photographs of Steven Shore, 1968-1979 Stephen Shore Lecture - 6 p.m., Reception, 7 to 8 p.m. at the museum"

I'll be at all 3! Hope to see you guys there! Hope you are all out under the sun shooting like crazy.
