
Coming Events

Good morning photographers.

Here is a short list of coming events in Milwaukee this summer that are worth checking out:

June 17th, Pecha Kucha : 8:00 p.m. at the Hi Hat ( http://www.pecha-kucha.org/cities/milwaukee/1 )

June 27th, I have a show opening at Spackle Gallery. The reception will be in the evening. I'll let everyone know the time of the opening when it happens.

July 24th, at Marquette's Haggerty Museum : "Opening - Biographical Landscape: The Photographs of Steven Shore, 1968-1979 Stephen Shore Lecture - 6 p.m., Reception, 7 to 8 p.m. at the museum"

I'll be at all 3! Hope to see you guys there! Hope you are all out under the sun shooting like crazy.



Last Meeting

Last meeting of the Semester!!

Friday May 9th
2:00 P.M.

Be there or be [ ].


Stencil Workshop

I'm teaching my last stencil workshop before I move to San Francisco. STREET ART RULES THERE!!!

Saturday May 3rd 1:30-4pm

Interested in making stencils or the political history of stencils? This workshop will give a brief history of stencils, a stencil making tutorial, and spraying techniques.

Please Bring:
8x10 image to be turned into stencil
And if you have bring:
xacto or box cutter
spray paint



Gallery Night

I couldn't be more proud of this photography club, we had hundreds of people turn out to see all of your pieces at the gallery.

I heard people say things like "wow out of all the places I've been tonight some of the pieces here stand out to me the most"

"You've got an incredible variation of talent here, it's impressive."

I heard lots of folks ask very specific questions about processes locations and technique. It was also nice to see so many families of you guys there.

Congratulations everyone, our first successful show!



Seeing Green: Art, Ecology and Activism in Milwaukee

I have my Koi Fish Installation in this exhibition that opens Saturday.

Seeing Green: Art, Ecology, and Activism opens
Saturday, April 12, 5:00-9:00pm at Woodland Pattern
Book Center, 720 E. Locust St., Milwaukee, WI.


Seeing Green encourages artists to leave the confines
of the studio and take an active role with the
community, to collaborate and address issues of the
environment, and to open a dialog with the public.
Guest curator Nicolas Lampert invited over 40 local
artists to work on a project for the duration of eight
months. During the month of April, 2008 the show will
be exhibited at Woodland Pattern Book Center in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin where the gallery will serve as a
hub space, informing the viewer and the public of the
many environmental projects taking place throughout
the city, exhibiting visual work and books, screening
films and holding discussions and events based around
the exhibition.


Seeing Green opens at Woodland Pattern Book Center
(720 E. Locust St., Milwaukee, WI.) on Saturday, April
12, 2008, 5:00-9:00pm

Additional events:
Reading by California author Rebecca Solnit, Sunday,
March 30th, 2:00pm

Curator talk by Nicolas Lampert 4:30-6:00 / Film
Screening, Wednesday, April 16th, 7:00-9:00pm
(Screening of 5 minute films and videos on urban
ecology issues by: Lane Hall, Lisa Moline, Lindsay
Holden, Brandon Bauer, Ray Chi, Laura Klein, Eddee
Daniel, Suzanne Rosenblatt, Spencer Tepper, Zachary

Artist/Scientist/Community Activist talk, Wednesday,
April 23rd, 7:00-9:00pm
(presentations by Susan Simensky-Bietila, Chris
Cornelius, RiverPulse)

Artist/Scientist/Community Activist talk, Wednesday,
April 30th, 7:00-9:00pm
(presentations by Raoul Deal and Larry Adams; Mary
Osmundsen, Andrea Fuentes, Jose’ Medina, Monica
Gonzalez and Adolfo Garcia; Lane Hall, Lisa Moline and
Dr. Rudi Strickler)

Seeing Green is co-sponsored by UWM Cultures and
Communities/Institute for Service Learning
Co-Sponsorship Award, the Milwaukee Arts Board, and
the Windhover Foundation.


Spring Studio Arts & Craft Center Sale

I'm going to have some of my stenciled Koi Fish for sale on T-shirts and Posters.

The Studio Arts & Craft Centre wishes to invite all members (remember
all current UWM students have a free membership!) to sell their
artwork at our upcoming Spring Craft Sale.

The Craft Sale will take place from April 23 through April 27. You do
not need to be present to sell your work. We will take care of the
display and selling of all items. We will administer a 30% commission
for all work sold. Consignment agreement forms are available at the
Studio Arts & Craft Centre. Please fill out the form and return it
with your work between the dates of April 17 and April 22.

If you have any questions, please call 414-229-5535 or stop by (we're
located on the ground floor of the Union)!


MFA Show

Tomorrow night is opening night for the MFA Exhibition. Check it out after installation, it will be a good show.

The show is 5-7pm in Inova.



Congratulations to everyone who showed down at the Art Museum tonight, further congratulations to Rollin Kunz, Ben Rabe, and anyone else who made the nine finalists, we are proud of you guys!

Good work representing for UWM.

Have a great evening and weekend everyone, enjoy the sun, you know I'll be spending my weekend on the beach underneath it!



Name Tag

Chelsea asked me to upload this to the blog of her idea for the name tags. It is slightly different from Mandy's. Her thoughts were tying the postcards with the name tags. She also asked me if we would be printing these and I would say yes, but on our own, not through a printing press or having one person do it. I would think nothing to special as far as paper, but I don't know.
How does everyone see these being printed, and worn?

If we decide on one design then we can each create our own with a template. Any thoughts??

Also, added to this post instead of creating another one I am putting up a name tag idea that plays off of everyone, and uses the same formatting as the postcard. Let me know what you think.

Name Tags

Here is what Mandy sent me for an idea for the name tags. The artist #2 is the number that would be on the wall next to the work, because there will be no tags of all information on the wall. I like it, its clean and simple and easy to do. What do you think?


Focus Show

Hi everyone-

I wanted to update everyone about the gallery show, and get some things settled before the show. I will also go over what we discussed with Catherine for those that couldn’t make it.

At the bottom is a summary of what we need for the show.


Installation: Friday April 11th at 2:00pm
The show opens April 15th
Gallery Night is April 18th
Show 3-9pm
Gallery Day is April 19th with Artist talks
Show 11-4pm artist talks 1-2 or 3pm

Gallery Showroom:

The gallery will be almost completely empty as far as furniture. There might be a couple of chairs if people want to sit down, but there might be up to 500 people walking through on gallery night so we need as much room as possible. There will be a table for snacks, and guest sign in. We can bring tables in if some people want to show portfolios, handmade books (with gloves) and other forms of work. Let me know if you would require a table, or if a lot of people want to put their portfolio out so I can ask Catherine to get one from storage.

Gallery Night - Friday:

For refreshments on Friday we will have ginger ale, pretzels and Hershey kisses. There will be no wine, because there are too many minors out that night. I think the gallery is taking care of the snacks on Friday and we are responsible for Saturday. Catherine suggested cheese and crackers, nuts, wine if we want, and soft drinks. We can figure out the cost and what we want to put out later.

Artist Talk:

We need to decide as a group if we are going to do an artist talk or not. This would be just a couple of minutes of why you created the piece, and a little about yourself. On the blog we should discuss this and cast a vote if we will do this or not. Email me if you want to for sure. I think we should it would be a great opportunity as practice, and it will be easy because we all know each other.


I don’t think everyone needs to be at the installation of the show, but if you are able and want to help out that would be perfect. The more hands the faster the installation will be. Please email me that you are able to help install. We will install Friday the 11th after 2:00pm.

Dropping off work:

Please drop your work off at the gallery, or if needed please make arrangements with someone that is going down to the gallery, or you can make arrangements with me to drop the work off. All work must be gallery ready however that works with your piece. All work is needed by April 11.


We need to create a cheap banner for the show. If you haven’t been to the space there is a wall as soon as you get off the elevator that we are able to use to promote our show. I was thinking printing our logo off of the 7800 and then mounting it to gator board because its nice and light. If anyone else has any suggestions post them to the blog. We want to create this before the installation of the show.

Name Tags:

Catherine really wants to create unique name tags. Not only for guests to know who you are, but for her. When she has a guest or a potential buyer come up to her she wants to be able to point us out, and the name tags will be helpful. How we create these is up for suggestions. We can take an image of ours and lower the opacity and put the name on top, or make a small image with our name underneath, or everyone comes up with their own. If you have an idea or think we should do our own cast your vote on the blog.

Logging Art:

When you drop off your work please have the following with it. The title, your name, medium, and price if you are selling. If you have multiple pieces please be sure you clearly state which one is which. If it is a small series is the price for them for all or one? Can the series be sold separately? Also, if is a small series what is the order in which to hang them? Draw an ideal diagram for the installers, and we will try to accommodate that as best as possible with space. Also, bring a small bio of yourself to put along with the work.


If you want to sell your work you can ask Catherine to help figure a price if you don’t know what to price it at. The gallery will take 15% so figure that in with your cost. You can think of the equation like this: time + cost + 15% = price. I would market your pieces at $100- $300.

Time Schedule:

On Friday I don’t think everyone needs to be there at the same time, but if we could scatter it out a couple of hours here and there it will make things easier on everyone. If you have friends and family coming and they show up when your not there we can pull out the schedule and let them know you would be back later at a specific time. Please send me when you think you would be at the gallery, and I will make a spreadsheet for Catherine and everyone.

Press Release:

I sent some information to Catherine for a press release. She said she will take a look at it, shorten it or lengthen it and send it to some local newspapers. When she sends me a copy I will forward it to you, from there you can take it and send it your hometowns newspaper if you would like.


The postcards are in!!! If you want a sneak preview of them before you get your share you can see them on the blog (www.focus.blogspot.com) or my website (www.amanda photography.com). The gallery will be getting 400 and everyone will get 45 each with the spilt cost of $3.50. I am in the photo lab from 1-3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will bring some this week if you want to pick them up.

Helping at Gallery:

Catherine needs some help at the gallery on Fridays and Saturdays to keep our show open for the public to view. It maybe just one Friday or Saturday, it is not a full commitment through the entire showing, but if you would like to do more that is great. If you are able to help out or if you want to learn more about how a private gallery works please let her know that you can help out sometime.

What I need from you:

1. Your work by April 11 with bio, price, name, medium, and title. Diagram if needed. Clearly stated for each piece.

2. Postcards are here, if you would like some the spilt cost is $3.50

3. Suggestions for banner posted on blog.

4. Name tags - suggestions

5. Time you can be at gallery

6. Are you going to participate for the artist talk?

7. Able to install

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Show Opening

There is a show opening on April 4th

Titled: A Night in South Sudan

This is a photography exhibit its at

231 S. Main St. Thiensville, from 5-9pm.


Friday Meeting

Hello all-

I hope you have enjoyed and had a relaxing spring break. I talked with Catherine today and confirmed our meeting with her on Friday and wanted to send an email reminder because its been a long time since we last met. We will be visiting with Catherine the gallery owner, and talking about final issues for the show. Please bring a sample print or sample prints of the work you intend to show in the gallery, Catherine is hoping we can get a little idea of where to hang things and how in the gallery on Friday. Also, please have a size in mind for the photo/s and if you intend to sell your prints. The postcards have been ordered for the show. They should be here by Friday, but you never know through the mail. I sent some information to Catherine to put a write up in the newspaper. I’m not sure when and where she is putting it, but by Friday we should hopefully know.

We will meet up with Catherine at 2-2:15 this Friday, a little time incase of parking issues. If you haven’t been there before she is in the Marshall building, right on the corner of Water and Buffalo. You can take the elevator or the stairs. If you take the elevator she is right there when you get off on the second floor. I can drive people down but, you have to find a ride back because I have to leave straight to work afterwards. Please email me if you would like a ride down or can’t make it but would like to show Catherine your images, I can take them down myself.

Enjoy the rest of the week and I will see you on Friday.

C.R. Davidson Art
207 E. Buffalo St. Suite 210


Naomi's Show

One of our lovely instructors here at UWM has a show opening tomorrow, Sunday the 9th, from 1-4 p.m. at the Museum of Wisconsin Art. It is located at : 300 S. 6th Ave., West Bend, Wisconsin.

Better Homes and Gardens
MWA - One From Wisconsin
3/5 - 3/30/08
Opening: Sunday, 3/9, 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Hope some of you can see the show!


"Truck Studios" Summer Job

Artists Working in Education's summer Truck Studio!

Are YOU interested in being part of a creative team responsible for
bringing free art to the children of Milwaukee? Do you have artistic
talents and energy to share with children who are in need of art
experiences? Consider joining the Artists Working in Education Truck
Studio this summer!

* Each brightly painted van will be stocked with art supplies and
staffed by one Lead Teacher and two college level Interns/Assistants.
These four "Truck Studios" will visit 17 Milwaukee parks and
playgrounds on weekday afternoons. They will also make stops at
selected community sites on weekday mornings from June 30 – August 8,

* The Truck Studio's mission is to provide meaningful art enrichment
activities free of charge to children ages 4 – 14 in at risk
neighborhoods. A required training session will take place for all
staff on Friday June 20, from 5:30-8:00pm and Saturday June 21, from

AWE is looking for:

* Interns/Assistants: creative, adaptable and dedicated people
pursuing degrees or coursework in Art, Art Education, Art Therapy that
have some experience working with children.

* Lead Teachers: professionals with teaching experience at the K-12
level, a degree in Art, Art Education, Art Therapy or a related field
and experience supervising others.

• This is a great opportunity to use your creative talents to impact
the lives of Milwaukee children while inspiring and renewing your
artistic perspective.
• Bilingual English and Spanish speakers and artists of color are
strongly encouraged to apply.
• Application deadline is April 4, 2008.

Contact Program Coordinator Kari Couture at the AWE office by phone:
414-933-3877 or by e-mail: kcouture@awe-inc.org.

Artists Working in Education, Inc.
2819 W. Highland Blvd. • Milwaukee WI , 53208

org • 414-933-3877


Gallery Night

I just checked the Historic Third Ward website for the updated gallery night list, and wanted to let everyone know you can check it out for our posted little segment. The pamphlets should be out soon if you want a copy. Congrats to everyone in the show, it will be a great one!



My Portfolio Project

I've got the first 100 billboards marked on google maps, the marker is as close to the exact point I was standing at when I took the photograph as I can get it. I used the exact latitude and longitude reading after taking each photograph. Have a look at it if you would like. You can either click on the link above, or use this link. Click on the blue pinpoints to see the images. I like looking at the satellite image from Google and comparing it to the photograph. Otherwise its fun to look at the location in Google street view.

Thanks for taking a look. I hope everyone is excited for more favorable conditions for outdoor photography!


A Friend's Success

A former photography instructor at UWM and friend of mine, Jonathan Sadler, and his photographic partner, Luke Batten who shoot together as New Catalogue, have secured a spot on the front of the most recent issue of Art On Paper magazine. The cover of the magazine features an image from their series titled Tiger Afternoon.
Jonathan know teaches in Boise, Idaho.

Congratulations Jonathan! I'm heading out to find myself a copy at Borders Books as soon as possible.


Borg Ward Opening

This Friday : 7:00 p.m.
The Borg Ward is at 8th and National. I'll be there, hope to see you there as well.


Call for 2D art and poetry

Seeking writers of poetry/prose and 2 dimensional artists to work as
partners for exhibit titled "MADE IN USA". Exhibit Dates: July 2 -
August 2, 2008

Interested artists and poetry/prose writers contact The Lakes Gallery
of Fine Art (262) 966-1804 or www.lakesfineart.com by March 30, 2008.


Artist Talk

Claire Pentecost

Rescheduled from February 6, will be talking on March 5, 2008 in the Art Center Lecutre Hall. Her work is still up in the Inova/Kenilworth gallery. If you would like to check it out, the gallery is open W-Sun from noon to 5pm.

The talk is at 7:00pm on Wednesday if your interested.


Meeting on Friday

There is a meeting coming up that EVERYONE should attend.

Friday the 29th

2:00 p.m.


We have a gallery for gallery night, everyone who intends to participate needs to come. If you cant come please talk to Amanda or myself and let us know that you won't be there so we can anticipate you for the show.

See you on Friday!



Artist Talks on Campus

Charles Green
"The Atlas Effect: Image Collection and Circulation in Contemporary Art"

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
UWM Library 4th floor conference center

More info

Lyndell Brown and Charles Green
"One Side of the Wire: Images from Iraq and Afghanistan"

Wednesday, March 5th
UWM Library 4th floor conference center

More Info


No Commision Restaurant Exhibit

Milwaukee area restaurant, opening in spring, needs art for its walls!

The atmosphere is casual, sophisticated, and fun. Our wall space is 20'-25' tall so we're looking for medium to large scale pieces. No commision taken. Open to all media.

Artists interested should send up to 4 images, name, phone and email to photodonotbend@hotmail.com.


C.R. Davidson

Hi everyone, I just talked to Catherine the gallery owner for C.R. Davidson Art with Tom, Trisha and Mary joining me. Thanks you guys for coming, I know Catherine was excited to meet you.

I wanted to give everyone an update of the details of the show, and some of the ideas we talked about, and show the pictures I promised of her gallery.

First, the Show will be April 15 - June 15. This is a few days before the opening of gallery night, and the end date could change. The day to install is the weekend before the show opens, April 11 or April 12. We can pick one of these days as a group on Friday. The show on gallery night and day will be open Friday 3-9pm and Saturday 11-5pm. If you have friends or family coming to the show, Catherine wanted me to let you know that she locks her doors at 9pm, so please have them come earlier.

Catherine is hoping to meet almost everyone before the show, if you have time during the week or the weekend, schedule an appointment to visit her gallery and introduce yourself. I can always go down with a group of you if you would like, and introduce you to her. Catherine’s email is crdavidsonart@hotmail.com and phone number is 414.303.9389.

We also talked about on Saturday the 19th for a couple of hours each artist would give a brief statement of their work. I think this is great! It’s a chance to be able to talk about your work, and practicing talking in front of others about your work. I’m in portfolio right now, and this will be extra practice for my source presentation I have to give to the class. So I guess what I’m saying is, this is another great opportunity.

I have mentioned postcards before, and we can make them. Catherine has a client list that she can send them out to and we will have a pile to leave at school, work, wherever. I hope on Friday the 29th we can decide and finalize all the details for creating them. So we can get them printed and sent out in time.

We also talked about having name tags for the show, because there will be so many of us we want to stand out with our work. One idea she suggested was we each create our name tag with our work that will be on the wall. Creating a visual guide between artist and work, so guests will know which one is your piece and ask questions if they have any. I thought it was a great idea and maybe we could all do that.

Another idea that was mentioned is having a small proof sheet of more of our works. The size would approximately be 4x5 and it would have your name on the cover with a small bio or artist statement of the works in the binder, and then about maybe 5 photos. Tying it all together with a ribbon down the side. This would be for if someone was interested in your work and wanted to buy more than what you had on the wall they could look through this little proof book and Catherine would contact you to print off another photo.

We had talked about framing, pricing, refreshments, etc. which I will explain more at the meeting. So if there is questions you can ask directly.

Catherine is terrific, I can’t wait for you guys to meet her. I asked her if she had time and wanted to stop by at the meeting she was more than welcome. So hopefully she can make it and see some work and visit with all of you, and help us with any questions or concerns anyone might have.

On Friday February 29th at 2:00 we will meet in the critique room B51. Please bring any questions you have about the show, your work you would like to submit or are thinking to submit. The work can be proofs, contact sheets, or small prints. Just enough so we all can get an idea of what you would like to do.

Hope to see you all Friday, and maybe Catherine can stop by, enjoy the beautiful weekend!


Eclipse Outing

Well we had a spur of the moment, eclipse fueled outing last night. Howie Kuhn, Corey Gaffer, and myself went out for a couple of hours. We shot the eclipse from about half way covered until it was gone, we then headed down to the pier and slid around on the ice and threw snowballs. Good times.

Go ahead and click on that series of the moon if you want to see a bit more detail. Keep shooting everyone!


Gallery Info

I just spoke with Catherine the gallery owner. What she is looking to see from the artists that will be participating is this...

A selected portfolio page from each artist or

a few printed single images

a simple bio

artist statement

Again this might be easier to compile everything into a slideshow. Or if everyone has a print that they want in the show I will collect them with all the information requested.

If anyone is free on Saturday let me know, I am meeting Catherine then and discussing prices, installation, etc.

Very excited! More soon.


Gallery Night & Day April 18th & 19th

I am so excited to announce that the Focus organization will be showing on Gallery Night. The gallery that we will be showing at is C.R. Davidson art. The gallery is located at:

207 E. Buffalo St.
Suite 210
Milwaukee WI, 53202

She is very excited to show our work. She asked me for the members that are participating in this show to give her some images to look at; a small portfolio. So she has some kind of an idea of what to expect in her gallery. My thought was to put together a slideshow of all the images with your name, approximate dimensions, and wether it would be a digital, gelatin silver print, etc. This way all you would need is to either scan some photos or give a jpeg file, instead of 30 portfolios handed to her. If anyone has another thought in making this easier let me know.

I still have to meet with her and talk the business side of things, but we will be in the listing on the website and printed in the booklet for gallery night. If you don't know the website for gallery night click here.

After I meet up with her I will have more details and possible questions from her that will need answering. I will keep you up to date on the details.


Chicago Artist Resource search engine

Besides MARN (milwaukee artist resource network) http://www.marnonline.com which is yahoo email based there is CAR. Chicago Artist Resource is a website of information. I mainly use there call for artist search engine. You can narrow specific information down from a short list of questions giving you a list of galleries, grants and artist residences looking for your art.

MARN's 2007-2008 Workshops

Check For Updates Soon
We are still in the very beginning stages of booking or 2007-2008
workshop series.

Focusing on the business side of art, MARN has gathered regional
experts to lead workshops designed to further the career development
of artists in any media. Beginning October 16, the workshops will be
held at Hotcakes Gallery, 3379 North Pierce Street (unless otherwise

Cost (unless otherwise noted): $10 MARN members / $15 non-members /
$5 Students (with valid ID) per workshop.

To pre-register, pay now with PayPal or a credit card below mail a
check along with your name, contact information and the workshop(s)
you’d like to attend to MARN, P.O. Box 713, Milwaukee, WI 53201, or
RSVP to brenner@marnonline.com and pay at the door. Space will be
limited and priority will be given to those who pre-pay.

David Luhrssen (Editor, Shepherd Express) + Bobby Tanzilo (Editor,
February 21, 2008 - 6-8pm
pay now - $15 (non-member) • $10 (member) • $5 (student)

David Luhrssen
David Luhrssen is Arts & Entertainment Editor of the Shepherd
Express, co-founder of the Milwaukee International Film Festival and
co-author of two books, A Time of Paradox: America Since 1890, and
Searching for Rock and Roll.

Bobby Tanzilo
Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Bobby received his BA-Mass Communications
from UWM in 1989 and has lived in Walker's Point, Bay View, Enderis
Park, South Milwaukee and on the East Side. He is managing editor of
OnMilwaukee.com and has written for Chicago Tribune, Milwaukee
Sentinel, Playbill, Consumer's Digest, Village Voice, Il Monferrato,
Italian Americana, Shepherd Express, The Italian Times and other

Elizabeth T Russell (Attorney / Author)
March 20, 6-8pm
pay now - $15 (non-member) • $10 (member) • $5 (student)

Elizabeth T Russell
Elizabeth T Russell holds an undergraduate degree in music. On a
bassoon scholarship, she earned her law degree from New York's Pace
University School of Law, where she served as a member of the Pace
Law Review. She is the author of Art Law Conversations: A
Surprisingly Readable Guide for Visual Artists (Ruly Press 2005),
which was named to CHOICE Magazine's 2006 list of Outstanding
Academic Titles.

Ms. Russell is a member of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.; the
Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Section of the New York State Bar
Association; and a board member of the Sports and Entertainment Law
Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin. She is admitted to practice
law in New York, Connecticut and Wisconsin.

Keith Nelson (Preparator, Milwaukee Art Museum)
April 17, 6-8pm
pay now - $15 (non-member) • $10 (member) • $5 (student)

MARN's workshops, Mentor program, exhibitions, community outreach and
economic development activities would not be possible without the
vision and financial support of Brico Fund LLC, Greater Milwaukee
Foundation's Mary L. Nohl Fund, Milwaukee Arts Board and Wisconsin
Arts Board.

Free Call for Artists: Deadline Febuary 29th

Open Call for Artists.
Deadline: Feb 29, 2008
Be Part of Our Grand Opening Exhibition!
March 14-April 13, 2008

Seeking Small Works!
Founded in 2007, spackle is a collective gallery established,
supported and
managed by Milwaukee based artists. spackle exists as a professional
venue for
young and upcoming artists to exhibit, develop, and advance
innovative art of
diverse media and content.
The public is invited to submit work of various media, ie paintings,
sculpture, prints, photographs, etc. The gallery will accept almost
any media
provided it is approved by the curatorial staff.

Size requirements for each art work (negotiable)

2D Maximum 12"x12"
3D Maximum 12"x12"x12"

Application items:
CD- including 5-10 works (or more) JPEG format 72ppi
Image List including title, size, media, year created
Application materials will not be returned unless accompanied by a
self-addressed stamped envelope.

DEADLINE: February 29, 2008

Submit all work to:
spackle2674 Kinnickinnic Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53207

Contact: info@spacklegallery.com
www.spacklegallery.com (under construction)


The next 2 focus meetings will be held at the following times:

Friday the 15th at: 2:00 in MIT B51
Wednesday the 20th at: 7:00 p.m. in MIT B51

Please bring prints you would like in a show, as well as any logo ideas. We will vote on our logo during these 2 sessions.

Thanks, see you there.




Here is a little history on Focus. Please continue to read the rest of our blog for more information.

Ok, moved to normal Helvetica, nothing slim, condensed, or extended. Should be more recognizable from a distance. Brought the split together and changed the C to half gray. Lastly this one is made in illustrator, so this logo can serve as a logo with text, and a logo alone, we can loose the FOCUS, for times when we can utilize it for recognition in other venues. This could include being a small backdrop to page numbers in our publication, being used in places we wouldn't have a big letterhead as we would in a poster, or anywhere where we want a big logo at maybe 20% opacity in the background.

I've gotten lots of good feedback on this one from peers and instructors alike.

Forgive the compression, this is made in illustrator, so it is sizable to whatever size we would ever want it at. I think the blacks and grays still need some work, I might even need to rework the whole thing again based on additional feedback. Let me know what you think.

Its still not there, but its getting closer.


Another Logo Suggestion

A split prism is something that hasn't been addressed yet. I'm not sure I've done it any justice at all, but its an idea everyone is welcome to play with. Most people would be able to relate to it as well, many of our first experiences with cameras probably involved sliding that image back and fourth through the prism until it fit together like a puzzle piece.


This is more along the lines of what I'm looking for in a logo.

Something simple, something scalable, something reproducible, something clean, and something memorable.


Suggestion from Naomi

Naomi asked me to post this link as a suggestion font for our logo. No pressure! Just a suggestion.

Thanks Naomi!!!

Happy snow day everyone, I hope you all had as many adventures as I did!



Gallery Links

I think it would be a good idea to post your various accounts on here so everyone can look at everyones stuff. Yes? yes.

Things like
Deviant Art

any pages like that.


Revised Logo

Just a revision.......


I guess my design here is a bit different than Trisha's. Just thought I'd give it a shot. Let me know what you think!


Night Photography

I wrote a tutorial for a website a while back relating to my night photography. It'll be useful if you're wondering about reciprocity failure, or the moons actual reflectivity. Give it a look!

Just click on it for a full view. I don't expect you to get out your loupe and push it up to the screen. Sheesh, even in the full view its a bit hard to read. Here is a link to the original, on DeviantArt, the full view there will be correct if this one doesn't do your eyes justice.


First Meeting

Well folks, its the evening after our first meeting and I'd like to start by extending thanks to everyone who made it to campus on a Friday for photo club. We had around 15 people today, a great start. Lots of great ideas were covered, I'll briefly go over what we talked about today in the lines below.

Four people were chosen to be the officers of this new student organization, they are as follows:

President: Tom Harris
Vice-President: Amanda Donajkowski
Secretary: Erin Therrien
Treasurer: Elizabeth Beveridge

Thanks for stepping forward to this guys.

Secondly we've chosen a title for ourselves at long last. Thanks Jeremy for suggesting focus it beat out the others in a nearly unanimous vote.

Next Liz Beveridge took on the challenge of creating a publication for ourselves this semester. A volume of our photography with some accompanying text is what it sounds like at the moment.

Sara Anderson decided she'd take the task of signage under her wing and get going on some posters. Thanks for that Sara, I'm looking forward to see what you come up with.

We got everyone who came to the meeting today invites to be authors of this blog, so you all should be able to post here freely after you confirm the email you ought to have received.

Scott, one of our photo I students suggested we look into getting some space to hang work in the basement here. We'll get started on the walls just west of the doors to B84, they are blank and could use some of our art.

As far as a logo is concerned, it looks like Miss Buster has already gotten a heading on something, everyone that would like to try their hand at photoshop, illustrator, or simply a pen and paper is welcome to get things sketched/printed for our next meeting where we'll do some more voting to decide on one.

Future meetings: As of right now our next meeting is planned for Friday the 14th of February at 2:15 in B51 again. We're going to be doing a supplementary meeting possibly Wednesday nights for people that can't make Friday. You don't have to come to both meetings unless you REALLY want to hang out with me more, but a phone call will do just as well! I joke I joke, come to both if you want, but we'll likely be covering the same ground.

Finally thanks again to everyone that had great suggestions today, as well as everyone who came. I'm more than excited to establish some cohesion here in the photography student body. We'll make some memories this semester, and work with each other to get our names out, and get some killer images.

Have a fantastic weekend my friends.

Getting the creative juices rolling...

I was playing around in PS with some of the elements we'd talked about today regarding a logo and here's what I came up with. Feel free to love it or hate it, I just want to simply get some ideas flowing. Please everyone post any ideas that you have!! I believe that if you click on the logo it will open in a new window a bit larger.



Welcome to the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee's official Photography Club blog.

Please feel free to add any relevant information, check in for meeting times, information about outings, and for everything else we get posted here!