
Titian Redwood Tree- 84 images in 1

This is an amazing photograph of a Redwood tree that is in the most recent National Geographic magazine. Please Check out the video here http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/video/player#/?titleID=nichols-redwoods-gatefold&catID=1 This is an image that is changing the way photography is being produced. There is 84 images stitched together in 120hrs to create a seamless image of a giant Redwood tree. There is a very inventive contraption that holds three cameras and 6 remote triggers on a gyroscope attached to cable that will lift it 300 feet in the air. Stitching images together is gaining a presences in the world of photography. With the introduction of the Giga-pan camera that automatically takes photos with any standard digital camera and stitches them together to create a massive file. You can seemingly zoom into this images forever. http://gigapan.org/ These massive files will change the process of a photographer at any level. I just hope we dont see them showing up on facebook with a bunch of drunk girls.


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