
My Portfolio Project

I've got the first 100 billboards marked on google maps, the marker is as close to the exact point I was standing at when I took the photograph as I can get it. I used the exact latitude and longitude reading after taking each photograph. Have a look at it if you would like. You can either click on the link above, or use this link. Click on the blue pinpoints to see the images. I like looking at the satellite image from Google and comparing it to the photograph. Otherwise its fun to look at the location in Google street view.

Thanks for taking a look. I hope everyone is excited for more favorable conditions for outdoor photography!



Anonymous said...
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magkid said...

I am curious as to where you got the idea for this project. The picture you have on the blog looks great.

Thomas said...

I had been looking at the back sides of billboards during my own time out in the field. I thought they were a good representation of my shooting style, I tend to take a landscape layout and force it into my natural "portrait" frame. I shot some drive ins that resembled billboards, I like the structure, I like the geometry, and most of all I like it isolated in its environment. Weather that be a geometric city environment, or an entirely organic natural environment.

Thanks for the question!