
Name Tags

Here is what Mandy sent me for an idea for the name tags. The artist #2 is the number that would be on the wall next to the work, because there will be no tags of all information on the wall. I like it, its clean and simple and easy to do. What do you think?


Corey Gaffer said...

I think we should try to make the name-tags, banner, and postcards match. Maybe just adding a black line around the name tag would work.

Anonymous said...

i hope that you don't mind my two-cents:

a clean, thin black line around the tag is a good idea.

as far as the badge text, i think a name, a thumbnail (from the work that is installed), and the word "artist" will suffice.
the artist numerals seem a bit like, forgive me, a game show contestant I.D.

best, best, best,